durusmail: quixote-users: demo_scgi.py and demo_scgi_session.py
demo_scgi.py and demo_scgi_session.py
demo_scgi.py and demo_scgi_session.py
Greg Ward
On 30 January 2003, Nicola Larosa said:
> Looks like the demo_scgi.py file is missing the line
>       publisher_class = DemoPublisher
> at line #28. Currently the DemoPublisher class is defined, but not used.

Looks like someone already spotted that -- it was fixed on Jan 28, two
days before your bug report.  Time for another beta... ;-)

> Also, the example showing the usage of mod_scgi in Quixote, in the doc file
> web-server.txt, line #189, could be fleshed out a bit, and spun off in a
> dedicated file as demo_scgi_session.py, or whatever.

Hmmm.  Noted.  What we *really* need is a unified way to invoke
CGI/FastCGI/SCGI/mod_python/etc Quixote apps, but never mind...

Greg Ward - software developer                gward@mems-exchange.org
MEMS Exchange                            http://www.mems-exchange.org
