> psycopg has worked well for me. PoPy and PygreSQL both gave me trouble Then there's the license angle to be taken care of, at least for those of us who do not have the freedom to release under GPL the code we work on. While PsycoPG and PoPy are released under the GPL, both PygreSQL (the oldest one) and pyPgSQL (the newest one) have a liberal, BSD-like license, similar to those of Python and PostgreSQL. Apart from the known technical ones, the license is an important reason for choosing which RDBMS to use in proprietary projects. It is unfeasible to use MySQL (unless you are willing to pay for an alternative license); it would be foolish to stick a GPL layer in the middle of BSD-like licensed components, when there are alternatives. -- "I occasionally find myself chuckling to myself while I code [in Python], because it all fits together so beautifully." Nick Vargish Nicola Larosa - nico@tekNico.net