At 22:37 10.03.03 +0000, you wrote: >Hi Mike > >Some idle time produced the the following script. >Please note, I'm no Twisted expert and this really is a quick hack, but >it is enough such that the demo works (for me at least). YMMV > >1) run the quixote scgi demo > python > >2) run the script below (it assumes the processes are on the same host and >scgi server is on port 4000, the default). The twisted server starts on port >8098 > python > >3) point a web browser at http://localhost:8098/q/ and you should see the >demo. > >4) I havent tested sessions at all. > >5) I'm sure there is an easier/cleaner way. If there are any twisted people >out there, I'd welcome the advice. > >cheers > >Jon Hi Jon: thanks for your script: I tried it with the demo. It works very well with: Netscape 4.6 and 4.78 KFM Konqueror. But leaves the status line on top of the page in: IE5.5 Opera 6.05 on Windows Netscape 6.1 and 7.0 Lynx. Example: Status: 200 OK content-length: 711 content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1 Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2003 18:00:23 GMT Expires: -1 You have selected the integer 310. You can compute its factorial (310!) Or, you can visit the web page for the previous or next integer. Or, you can use redirects to visit the previous or next integer. This makes it a bit easier to generate this HTML code, but it's less efficient -- your browser has to go through two request/response cycles. And someone still has to generate the URLs for the previous/next pages -- only now it's done in the prev() and next() methods for this integer. Mozilla on Linux shows the index page including response header but neither simple nor 12 or factorial. It also shows the widgets but no response (just hangs) after submitting the forms. wget says "Malformed status line" and stops. Maybe, the first line of the response, the protocol which is supposed to be HTTP, is missing. Older browsers assume http as standard. Newer browsers don't but still render the HTML correctly including the response header. Mozilla might be the strictest of all. Looking through your script, I could not find a the cause. I haven't checked session support yet. It's the next thing to do though. Cheers Mike