Just dropping an interesting URL from the Daily Python-URL site:
"PyMeld: A simple, lightweight system for manipulating HTML (and XML,
informally) using a Pythonic object model."
It's reminiscent of XMLC, my favoured templating method in the days
before I escaped from Java Web programming.
Essentially, an HTML page is parsed into a DOM-like structure that can
be manipulated in your presentation code. The HTML elements require ID
attributes, so that you can access and modify placeholder elements like
' via calls like "template.mytitle =
'welcome'" to get 'welcome
' in your output.
You might find it a useful tool if you need to work with a Real Web Page
Designer; the approach places far fewer constraints on page design than
any other templating system I've come across, making the Designers happy
without making the programmers jump through too many hoops.
-- Graham