durusmail: quixote-users: Need Medusa users to test patch (improving large response performance)...
Need Medusa users to test patch (improving large response performance)...
Need Medusa users to test patch (improving large response performance)...
Re: Need Medusa users to test patch (improving large response performance)...
Medusa patch rev. 2 (Re: Need Medusa users to test patch (improving large response performance)...)
Need Medusa users to test patch (improving large response performance)...
Neil Schemenauer
On Wed, Jun 04, 2003 at 01:33:00PM -0400, Graham Fawcett wrote:
> Using Quixote on Medusa to serve up static files, I was getting really
> terrible performance when the file sizes started to increase. CPU would
> shoot through the roof on the server, and througput downgraded very quickly.
> I've got a patch that seems to solve the problem... for me, anyway. Instead
> of pushing the content of the response to Medusa as a string, I push a
> Medusan file_producer, wrapped around the already-built StringIO,
> output_file.

I'd like to see a more general fix.  Instead of the publisher always
calling str() on the response it should be possible to return a
"streamed response".  Something like:

    # in http_response.py
    class ResponseStream:
        def __iter__(self):

and then in publisher.py publish():

    if output:

finally in http_response.py:

    def write(self, file):
        if isinstance(self.body, ResponseStream):
            for chunk in self.body:

There are a obviously a few details to resolve but I think it would be a
feasible solution.  Does someone want to try to make a patch?

