Hello, I have developed my website with SCGI. There is a problem with it though, if two requests come through almost at once, SCGI forks and creates a new QuixoteHandler, which in turn creates a new SessionPublisher, which in turn creates a new SessionManager. Since this SessionManager is new, it knows nothing of the existing sessions, and has the result of returning HTTP error code 400, and logging out the user (likely with a "session expired" page, though I have not checked, in my case it usually "bombs out" trying to download an image). I believe this to be a serious bug in the SCGI+SessionManagement. I either need a fix for this, or some recommendations as to what else to use. What does everyone here do? How does mod_python handle the situation, I suspect that if two requests arrive in rapid succession, apache will only hand one at a time to python? Thoughts about mod_python: I use my own session class derived from quixote.session.Session. mod_python_handler.py, however, does not provide for any easy way to override/derive a modified version, so I have to create my own modified copy that code in order to use mod_python? I also find that mod_python "clears the session manager" after a certain time. (Idle time, or total running time?) - I will be downloading mod_python documentation as this email is sent, I'm sure there's info on how that works. I do prefer scgi though, if it weren't for this bug, I can then have the scgi app running as any user I like. My apologies if this has been discussed, I am not at home, and do not have access to cheap internet or to my mail archive. (I'm still developing though, I like quixote so much ;) Thanks, Hugo van der Merwe