durusmail: quixote-users: [Quixote-users] c_htmltext.obj and cl.exe
c_htmltext.obj and cl.exe
Re: c_htmltext.obj and cl.exe
Re: c_htmltext.obj and cl.exe
[Quixote-users] c_htmltext.obj and cl.exe
Jim Dukarm
Hi -

I bump my head against this every time I install Quixote (in Windows
XP), then remember about commenting out that bit in setup.py.

> Perhaps we should change it so the default it to not
> compile _c_htmltext on Windows.

Yes, that would make a lot of sense. By default, Windows does not have
a C or C++ compiler, and not all Python programmers who are developing
in/for Windows would be using Billy's C++ compiler anyway. So it is
difficult for the Quixote installer to know whether Windows has a
C++ compiler, and if so, where it is.

> BTW,  I've heard that Microsoft's C++ command line tools are free to
> download.

Maybe so, but the Python-only version of htmltext is fast enough for
me, and I prefer not to download _anything_ from Microsoft.

Best regards,

Jim Dukarm
Victoria BC Canada
