Mark Bucciarelli wrote: > On Thursday 17 July 2003 6:27 pm, Neil Schemenauer wrote: > >>On Thu, Jul 17, 2003 at 06:08:14PM -0400, Mark Bucciarelli wrote: >> >>>When I run install on Windows, I get an error that >>>cl.exe cannot be found. (cl.exe is the name of the windows C >>>compiler.) >> >>You need to comment out the line: >> >> kw['ext_modules'].append(htmltext) > > > easy enuf. > > >>in Perhaps we should change it so the default it to not >>compile _c_htmltext on Windows. > > > +1 > > Couldn't also branch based on the platform? > I suggest the patch to I just posted in another message: fail over to Python implementation, only if compilation fails. That way, Windows users who *do* have a compiler don't lose out. >>>If this is the correct behavior, how can I build an installer for >>>Windows users that don't have cl.exe? If you're distributing an app to Windows users, you could always build the .pyd yourself and include it in your distro. >>BTW, I've heard that Microsoft's C++ command line tools are free >>to download. > > > free as in beer ... not as in market. ;-) I'm really impressed with the MinGW (Minimalist GNU for Windows) toolchain, which compiles against msvcrt.dll (i.e. doesn't need extra DLLs at runtime, like Cygwin-created execuatables do). And it works great with distutils. -- Graham