On Monday 14 July 2003 10:52 pm, Nathan R. Yergler wrote: > I'm > concurrently working on two applications both of which will need > the ability for users to create accounts and log in to those > accounts. Has anyone developed some boilerplate code for this sort > of pattern? I implemented the pattern is one A.M.K. detailed in his tutorials 1 and 2 (at http://www.quixote.ca/learn/). With the addition that the URL for adding a new user is: localhost:8000/_/edit and editing a existing one is this: localhost:8000/mark/edit (There was a thread on this recently.) In any case, you can browse my code at http://savannah.nongnu.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs/realtime/realtime/realtime/ model.py the business logic objects ui.ptl the Quixote UI logic forms.ptl the data entry forms. security.py security rules ... this should prob. go in model.py database.py database layer. __init__.py the kickoff ... Regards, Mark