> Don't allow DB queries that take 30 seconds. :) ... > I'm curious about when you have run into this in the past ... Yeah, I try to avoid it, but sometimes users are adamant, and the old axiom about "fast, cheap, good, pick any two" bites you in the butt. 30 seconds is a number I pulled out of the air, and most of the reports for the tracking system I'm thinking of would actually run much faster, typically in a second or two, but there were a number which could take in the 5 to 10 second range (already slow enough to cause problems if other users had to wait on it), and two or three that, if run with worst-case criteria (encompassing the company's world-wide activities, for an entire year) could actually take more than a minute. Most of that time was actually spent waiting on stored procedures to return results to the web server (separate machines, both multi-processor, with plenty of RAM). There just wasn't room in the budget to set up a proper data warehouse, and the reports were based on up to the minute results in a transaction-oriented database. I think I'll plan on going the multi-process route. Should be simpler to keep robust, as you wrote, and the only downside (which probably isn't much of a downside) is that I have to find a good, multi-process friendly session persistent mechanism. I think that DirMapping may actually be fine, but I have a feeling there's a better (higher performance/more scalable) solution out there. Perhaps ZODB. Thanks, Jason