durusmail: quixote-users: call a scheduled method
call a scheduled method
call a scheduled method
Jeff Koncz
Thanks for the suggestion Etienne.  I couldn't come up with anything that
worked with SCGI, but you did get me thinking about some other options for
getting my scheduled methods working.  What I ended up doing was taking the
twisted_http.py implementation to serve my app.  For the scheduled method I
used callLater method from twisted.internet.reactor.  It's as easy as putting
this into my event loop:

reactor.callLater(600, shedmethod)

The method then schedules itself by making another call to  reactor.callLater.
So far it's working out great.

The side-effect of using Twisted to serve your app (I imagine it's the same
with Medusa) is that you have be careful of any code that blocks, like file
I/O or database calls.  I had to refactor some of these spots in my app.
Other than that everything works good with Twisted.  I'm still trying to grok
the event-based way of doing things though.

- Jeff

On Thursday 31 July 2003 01:05 am, Etienne Posthumus wrote:
> On Wed, 30 Jul 2003, Jeff Koncz wrote:
> > Where is the best place to put in some code for calling a scheduled
> > method?
> > I need to call this thing every 10 minutes.  I'll use some sort of loop
> > with time.sleep(600) to get my interval, so no problem there.  I'm just
> > not sure where to put this type of code in the application.   It needs to
> > run in the same process as my Quixote app.  I use SCGI to serve it so I'm
> > thinking I could override main() in scgi.quixote_handler and then put my
> > scheduled method code in there.  Is that a good approach?  Any other
> > ideas?
> I use Medusa, and in there I made my own loop() method in stead of using
> the asyncore.loop. It does exactly the same thing as the asyncore.loop,
> but each trip round the loop after falling out of the select call, it
> checks a dict of 'scheduled' methods.
> If any of the methods scheduled times are < time(), they are executed.
> I add methods to be scheduled using a later() method in which I specify
> the method, args and time in the future to be called.
> Oh yes, the timeout for the select is 0.01.
> Not sure if a similar approach is possible in SCGI as I haven't used it
> yet. What I like about Medusa is that I don't have to worry about any
> threading issues for the called methods
