durusmail: quixote-users: request re: date_widget.ptl
request re: date_widget.ptl
request re: date_widget.ptl
Mark Bucciarelli
as you can see from the volume of my emails today, i'm getting back into heavy
development of realtime.

would the quixote distributors consider incorporating the two ui widgets from
dulcinea into quixote?

furthermore, would you remove the dependency on mxDateTime and just use the
native python modules?

the reason for the second request is that currently quixote is very simple to
run on any platform. installing mxDateTime requires compiling c, which is a
step up for the instal complexity.  the additional functions in mxDateTime
don't seem worth this additional install complexity.  (but then again, i
probably don't know all the advantages ... the ones I saw were that you could
use really small dates and really large dates.)

a reasonable approach is to try and import mxDateTime and if it fails to fall
back to the native python modules.

i'll probably put up a patch in savanah.non-gnu.org/projects/realtime cvs this


Mark Bucciarelli, www.hubcapconsulting.com
    He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself
without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine receives
light without darkening me.   -- Thomas Jefferson
