durusmail: quixote-users: [PATCH] request.get_path works with negative arg
[PATCH] request.get_path works with negative arg
[PATCH] request.get_path works with negative arg
[PATCH] request.get_path works with negative arg
Mark Bucciarelli
I wanted to be able to get the path component by counting out from the server.
The enclosed patch makes request.get_path() work with negative args.

For example, if the path = '/bar/baz/', then request.get_path(-1) returns

--- http_request.py.orig        2003-11-06 15:00:11.000000000 -0500
+++ http_request.py     2003-11-08 14:50:55.000000000 -0500
@@ -230,17 +230,29 @@
           get_path(1) == "/bar/baz"
           get_path(2) == "/bar"

-        Raises ValueError if n is too big for the current path.
-        """
+        If a negative value is passed in, the path components are counted
+        the server out.  Continuing the above example,
+          get_path(-1) = "/bar"
+          get_path(-2) = "/bar/baz"
+          get_path(-3) = "/bar/baz/"
+        Raises ValueError if absolute value of n is larger than the number of
+        path components."""
         path_info = self.environ.get('PATH_INFO', '')
         path = self.environ['SCRIPT_NAME'] + path_info
         if n == 0:
             return path
             path_comps = path.split('/')
-            if n > len(path_comps)-1:
+            if abs(n) > len(path_comps)-1:
                 raise ValueError, "n=%d too big for path '%s'" % (n, path)
-            return '/'.join(path_comps[:-n])
+            if n > 0:
+                return '/'.join(path_comps[:-n])
+            elif n < 0:
+                return '/'.join(path_comps[:-n+1])
+            else:
+                assert 0, "Unexpected value for n (%s)" % n

     def get_url (self, n=0):
         """get_url(n : int = 0) -> string

Also a request: could you modify the footer the mailing list manager appends
to include the url to the issue tracker Neil set up for Quixote?  Things have
a way of getting buried in mailing list archives ...

Mark Bucciarelli, www.hubcapconsulting.com
  As we enjoy great advantages from inventions of others, we should
be glad of an opportunity to serve others by any invention of ours;
and this we should do freely and generously.  -- Benjamin Franklin
