durusmail: quixote-users: SVN: r23114 - trunk/quixote
SVN: r23114 - trunk/quixote
SVN: r23114 - trunk/quixote
Neil Schemenauer
Author: nascheme
Date: 2003-11-10 13:24:27 -0500 (Mon, 10 Nov 2003)
New Revision: 23114

Allow negative values to be passed to get_path().

Modified: trunk/quixote/http_request.py
--- trunk/quixote/http_request.py       2003-11-10 18:08:07 UTC (rev 23113)
+++ trunk/quixote/http_request.py       2003-11-10 18:24:27 UTC (rev 23114)
@@ -234,17 +234,29 @@
           get_path(1) == "/bar/baz"
           get_path(2) == "/bar"

-        Raises ValueError if n is too big for the current path.
-        """
+        If 'n' is negative, then components from the left of the path
+        are returned.  Continuing the above example,
+          get_path(-1) = "/bar"
+          get_path(-2) = "/bar/baz"
+          get_path(-3) = "/bar/baz/"
+        Raises ValueError if absolute value of n is larger than the number of
+        path components."""
         path_info = self.environ.get('PATH_INFO', '')
         path = self.environ['SCRIPT_NAME'] + path_info
         if n == 0:
             return path
             path_comps = path.split('/')
-            if n > len(path_comps)-1:
+            if abs(n) > len(path_comps)-1:
                 raise ValueError, "n=%d too big for path '%s'" % (n, path)
-            return '/'.join(path_comps[:-n])
+            if n > 0:
+                return '/'.join(path_comps[:-n])
+            elif n < 0:
+                return '/'.join(path_comps[:-n+1])
+            else:
+                assert 0, "Unexpected value for n (%s)" % n

     def get_url (self, n=0):
         """get_url(n : int = 0) -> string
