Hi! I developed a small workflow system for zope (OOPServer), which gets rewritten to use quixote and zodb instead of Zope. What I really like at Zope: The form values of a request get mapped to arguments to a method: foo?bar=yes --> def foo(bar="no"): .... I use a patched version which does this. The patch is attached. The patch includes a better error message for developers: If there is a method called "foo", but this is not in the _q_export list, the error message says, that there is such a method, but it is not in the _q_exports list. I run the ZODB on the same machine. Quixote is run in cgi mode, an connects the the ZODB with ZEO. If there is someone using Quixote with ZODB, I would like to hear what you think about my Publisher. It is inherited from Publisher and connects to ZEO at the start of the request and commits the request if all goes well. ZEOClientPublisher includes a method for parsing all html output with html-tidy. The output won't get changed by tidy, I am only interested in the error/warning messages. The publisher is attached. Next issue: I use quixote because it is small. I don't use the form class or PTL. I would like to know how many people do this, too. Hope to here from you, Thomas