durusmail: quixote-users: Quixote module import difficulties
Quixote module import difficulties
Quixote module import difficulties
Estienne Swart
Hi All,

I've been playing around with the quixote (0.6.1) demo to get a feel of things.
I have been using the demo as a starting point for my own development
but have had some hassles trying to publish my own Quixote modules.

I assumed this was an issue related to Quixote being unaware of the path
my modules are located. However, including sys.path in the demo.cgi
script seemed to have no effect.

I tried poking around in publish.py - sys.path was correct. When I
examine the Apache error logs, it seems that When the Publisher object
is initialized, the __import__ function in _get_module raises an
ImportError exception even though my test modules are located in

Eventually I figured out that I forgot to set the correct permission bit
on my home directory. Voila! Everything seems to work now.

It may save other users some hours of frustration if they're encouraged
to ensure that apache can access their Quixote modules too (not just the
standard demo ones, which is mentioned in the documentation) ;)



Estienne Swart

url     :  http://www.sanbi.ac.za/~estienne
tel (w) : +27 021 959 3645
cell    : +27 072 1972 998

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