I volunteered to implement a tool for tracking paper submissions for the upcoming PyCon conference. Last year everyone simply used e-mail, and some submissions got lost in the shuffle until it was too late. I've now got a first draft running at http://pycon.amk.ca . Please jump on it and try to break it, and tell me about anything that's confusing. Exceptions are e-mailed back to me, so if you get a traceback you don't need to send me the traceback page you get; optionally you can write me and tell me what you did, but most likely I can figure out the problem just from the traceback. At some point I'll tidy up the code and release it because it'll make a nice little demo application, though the PostgreSQL interface code is fairly icky. It's also in the CVS for www.sf.net/projects/oedipus, in the qx/conference and qx/ui/conference directories. Incidentally, has anyone created a 'Running on Quixote' icon? --amk