Hi all, More newbie questions. I'm trying to get a feel for the idioms that people use in creating real-world Quixote applications, especially when dealing with the design choices involved in mapping URL's to callables or namespaces. Suppose I plan to support this URL schema at example.org: http://example.org/ http://example.org/foo http://example.org/bar/baz http://example.org/bar/fiz Assuming that Apache re-writing is re-writing these URLs to the corresponding .../cgi-bin/ URLS for the local setup. Suppose the Quixote driver script loads the module "example.web". Then the _q_exports instance for "example.web" could contain simple callables (functions or templates) to implement the first and second URL's _q_exports = ["_q_index", "foo"] For the third and fourth URL's however I could add a submodule "example.web.bar" with callables "baz" and "fiz", OR I could create a class with "baz", "fiz" member functions (or _q_lookup())? I *think* going the class route means you must use a _q_lookup() function within "example.web" module to catch the "bar" component of the URL and return a class instance that can then be traversed? Which of these approaches (or other approaches) are more quixotic? Do Quixote developers end up in practice relying on _q_lookup() heavily for traversing deep URLs, or do they favour a more 1-1 mapping to callables? Any advice much appreciated, Cheers, Stu -- :: Stuart Hungerford (stuart.hungerford@anu.edu.au) :: ANU Internet Futures Group