I have been running my Quixote app, which is integrated with Medusa, on an unadvertised internet IP address for testing and for demonstration to prospective users. There is a rapidly increasing frequency of attempts to break into the server by means of requests containing URI's which are obviously aimed at IIS weaknesses and common security lapses. I want to discourage these idiotic attempts, and my latest effort is to try to "swallow" these requests and not respond to them. I figure that no response at all will be more of a deterrent than a "page not found" response. Any comments or suggestions on this from Quixote or Medusa users would be appreciated. In my QuixoteHandler class, I have inserted a new method: def reject_request(self, request): # (Code for logging the particulars of the request not shown) request['Connection'] = 'close' request.channel.current_request = None request.channel.close_when_done() At the beginning of QuixoteHandler.continue_request(), I have inserted the following: If not request.uri.startswith(MYAPP_URI_ROOT): self.reject_request(request) return Is this the right way to go about ignoring undesired requests? Thanks, Jim Dukarm DELTA-X RESEARCH Victoria BC Canada