Ksenia> I am afraid, as long as commercial websites will be build, there Ksenia> will be a messy HTML with (for example) silly transparated gifs Ksenia> instead of CSS "padding"... I suspect you're right. Compare the Mojam website: http://www.mojam.com/ with the Musi-Cal website: http://www.musi-cal.com/ Neither has really changed in a several years (both pre-CSS). But you don't even have to look at the HTML to know which one I "designed" (more accurately, I let it grow like mold on a Petri dish) and which one Mojam farmed out. If you perform a search on Mojam, note the main table. When we translated the web designer's output into Mason, all the lines which define the boxes around the cells were done with gifs. That took me awhile to rework... Skip