Hey folks, I think this is probably more related to Medusa than Quixote, but I'm not sure... With both Apache and IIS, (what I'm familiar with) usually the environment variables HTTP_HOST and SERVER_NAME usually seem to agree (exceptions noted below *), and they both reflect what the browser requested (e.g., what the user typed in the address bar). With Medusa, HTTP_HOST reflects the requested URL, but SERVER_NAME seems to be whatever Medusa deduces it to be, (the machine's hostname, I guess) or whatever is specified as the server name in the Medusa setup/construction (I'm not so sure about that, as I haven't dug much, yet). This came up, because Quixote relies on SERVER_NAME when get_server() is called... So, Medusa not playing fair makes it more difficult to perform properly in a 'web-server-agnostic' way. I.e., it makes it trickier to write a portable quixote web app (portable between Medusa and Apache, for example), because get_server() doesn't work as it should (or to be more precise, how *I* think it should... I may be misunderstanding the intent here, however) Of course, I can always use get_environ("HTTP_HOST"), and in fact that's what I'm doing right now, but... It feels hackish. Any opinions out there? Am I doing things wrongly here? If you're wondering why this even came up, it's because I'm doing something sorta like virtual hosting, and I'd like to do in a server like Medusa: light, easy to deploy, single process, etc... I'm tossing around the idea of looking into Twisted for this, but it looks like overkill for what I have in mind. That Built in HTTP server that was kicking around a week or so ago is really what I want, I think! Jason Sibre * exceptions With both IIS and Apache, if I specifiy the standard port in the URL, this is what happens: ex. http://localhost:80/ -> HTTP_HOST = localhost:80 SERVER_NAME = localhost https://localhost:443/ -> HTTP_HOST = localhost:443 SERVER_NAME = localhost ... and the server seems to redirect to the SERVER_NAME url, or mozilla fixes it for me... Prolly mozilla, come to think of it.