Sub: Application for Internship. Dear Sir/Madam, I am a second year student pursuing B tech + M tech Integrated Degree in Department of Electrical Engineering in Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi. I am keen on doing an internship under your guidance for a duration of about 3 months ( May - July 2004 ).I am a hard-working person and like taking up challenging tasks. I have the ability to explore new topics or problems and contributing in them. I shall be thankful if you could consider my candidature for an internship.I am sure that the internship opportunity would challenge my technical and analytical skills to the maximum and give full benefit to me as well as to the university. I am enclosing my resume with this application. I am hoping for a positive reply from your side. Thanking you Yours sincerely, Amreen Sodhi Second year, Dual Degree, Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : AMREEN SODHI Date of Birth : 12-03-1984 Sex : Female Age : 19 years Natioanality : Indian Present Address : SC-2 Himadri Hostel, I.I.T Delhi, New Delhi-110016 India Permanent Adress : 51 Ranbir Marg, Model town, Patiala(Punjab) India Email Address : Phone no. : (91)-9810749209 Language Proficiency : English, Hindi & Punjabi ACADEMIC QUALIFICATION: * Bachelor of Technology, Electrical Engineering (July 2002- May 2006), Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi * CGPA (At the end of 2nd Semester) - 8.3 (scale of 10) * March 2000 Secondary (10th) from Central Board of Secondary Education - 87% marks. * March 2002 Senior Secondary (12th) from Central Board of Secondary Education - 84% marks. ACADEMIC INTERESTS: * Semiconductors * Simulation Techniques * Signal Processing * MOS Technology COMPUTER AND PROGRAMMING SKILLS: #Languages : C, C++, MATLAB, FORTRAN, MIPS Assembly Language, Pascal #Softwares : MATLAB, PSPICE, CIRCUIT CREATOR, ELECTRONIC WORK BENCH #Platforms : Linux, Unix, Microsoft Windows 9X/NT #Misc : Latex, Gvim, MS Office, Visual Basic ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENTS: * Secured All India Rank 3 in the entrance examination of Army Institute of India(AIT). * Secured All India Rank 475 in the Joint Entrance Examination for admission to Indian Institute of Technology(IIT) among 1,50,000 aspirants. * Secured Rank 57 in Regioanl Chemistry Olympiad. * Secured Rank 120 in Regional Mathematics Olympiad. * Secured All India Rank 67 in entrance examination of Delhi Collage of Engineering(DCE). * Secured All India Rank 158 in All India Engineering Entrance Examination(AIEEE). * Secured Regional Rank 9 in the entrance examination of Punjab Engineering Collage(PEC). * Awarded Merit certificate for securing 2nd position in Senior Secondary Examination. * Awarded Merit certificate for securing 2nd position in Secondary Examination. PROJECTS & ASSSIGNMENTS DONE AS A PART OF COURSE WORK: #Designed and Implemented FM Wireless Microphone circuits: a)Using NPN transistor as Oscillator. b)Using PNP transistor as Oscillator. alongwith OP Amp to amplify the signals. #Conducted various measurements on Microwave measurement theory: a) Measured standing wave distribution with open and short circuit. b) Measured high VSWR by double minimum method. c) Measured low VSWR by nodal shift method. d) Analysed the propagation in a TRANSMISSION LINE. e) Measured Q FACTOR OF THE CAVITY. #Desiged and Implemented Digital Clock using Logic gates and Flip Flops. #Implemented Booths Algorithm and Merge Sort using Logic Gates and simulated these Circuits on PSPICE. #Implemented convolution and graphical simulation of discrete and continuos time signals in MATLAB. #Designed and Implemented a generic Discrete Event Simulator and tested it for Assembly Line. #Experimental study on communication of the data through various modulations like FREQUENCY modulation, AMPLITUDE modulation and PULSE modulation. #Designed a Narrowband RC coupled amplifier with fixed gain and Bootstraped emitter follower at the source end. #Designed a fixed frequency Oscillator to generate sinusoidal waves for use in various analog circuit operations. #Designed rectifier to be used in the various analog electronic circuits. #Implemented 4-bit ALU using Logic Gates and simulated the circuit on PSPICE #Implementation of: a) Algorithms related to application of Gauss elimination and Non Linear Equation solving methods (Coding in Matlab) b) Data Structures: Splay trees, Skip lists, Fibonacci heaps, AVL trees, Red-Black trees (Coding in C++). c) Recursive Merge Sort (Coding in Assembly language). d) Booths Algorithm and 20 digit calculator (Coding in Assemblylanguage). e) Program for calculating minimum spanning tree and minimum distance for user defined N-Dimensional graph. f) Tries and Hash Tables (open and closed) for spelling checker of dictionary words (Coding in C++). COURSES UNDERTAKEN: #Electronics and Communication : Introduction to Electronic Circuits, Electromechanical Energy Conversion, Digital Electronic Circuits, Circuit Theory, Analog Electronic Circuits, Electromechanics, Engineering Electromagnetics, Signals and Systems, Communication Engineering #Electronics Laboratory and Practical Courses : * Electronics Lab. 1 : Experiments pertaining to Digital Electronic Circuits. * Electronics Lab.2 : Experiments pertaining to Analog circuits and Transistor Biasing. * Electromechanics Laboratory. * Engineering Electromagnetics Laboratory. #Computers : Introduction to Computer Programming, Data Structures and Algorithms, Computer Architecture #Mathematics : Probability & Stochastic Processes, Complex Analysis & Vectors, Introduction to Real Analysis and Differential Equation. #Basic Science : Electromagnetic Fields and Waves, Modern Physics introducing Quantum Theory,Applied Mechanics, Graphic Science, Manufacturing Processes,Physical Chemistry EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: * Active Member of Institue of Electrical and Electronics Engineers(IEEE), a technical professional association of more than 380,000 individual members in 150 countries. * Won Gold Medal in Badminton in Inter-IIT Annual Sports Meet,2002. * Holding the post of Vice-Captain of Institute's Badminton team. * Secured 3rd position in Lifestyles in Rendezvous-Annual Cultural festival of IIT Delhi. * Represented Hostel in various Inter Hostel Cultural and Sports events.