durusmail: quixote-users: Poor upload (POST) performance with Quixote/Medusa/xmlrpc_handler.collector
Poor upload (POST) performance with Quixote/Medusa/xmlrpc_handler.collector
Poor upload (POST) performance with Quixote/Medusa/xmlrpc_handler.collector
Poor upload (POST) performance... [PATCH]
Jason E. Sibre (2 parts)
Re: [Quixote-users] Poor upload (POST) performance...[PATCH]
Jason E. Sibre (2 parts)
Re: Poor upload (POST) performance...[PATCH]
Poor upload (POST) performance...[PATCH]
Poor upload (POST) performance with Quixote/Medusa/xmlrpc_handler.collector
Graham Fawcett
Jason Sibre wrote:

>I'm really targeting the Quixote folks with this message, but Medusa folks
>may be interested also, so I'm posting to both lists.
>I've noticed that the upload performance with Medusa and Quixote can be very
>bad... Especially with larger files (more than a couple hundred KB).
>I've dug around, and found that the medusa_http.QuixoteHandler uses the
>medusa.xmlrpc_handler.collector for it's collection dirty work...  Well,
>medusa.xmlrpc_handler.collector uses the 'anti-pattern' of "string = string
>+ string_part" when collecting data, which accounts for the crappy upload
>performance I've observed.
>I've modified my copy of medusa.xmlrpc_handler.collector to join a list of
>strings instead (*), and it's much (MUCH!) better.
>However, I'm not sure modifying part of Medusa is the best way to go...
>Maybe we should just provide our own collector class in quixote.medusa_http
>(they're quite trivial), and leave Medusa alone.  OTOH, if anyone uses
>medusa for XMLRPC... They'd probably appreciate the better POST performance.
Good catch, Jason!

Would you mind patching medusa_http, adding your new handler, and
posting it?

-- Graham
