durusmail: quixote-users: functions returning a Name Space?
functions returning a Name Space?
functions returning a Name Space?
Bud P. Bruegger
I did it the way you suggest below.  The reasons why I first attempted to
do it with a function are two:  I'm just starting to actually use Quixote
and I have a pre-existing class that already knows how to render in
html.   To add just the quixote specific code, a function seemed to be
cleaner and more separated.  (I could obviously have written a wrapper
class--but I was too lazy for that).  So probably not a stong use case...

thanks for the reply


At 08.18 24/02/2004 -0500, A.M. Kuchling wrote:
>On Tue, Feb 24, 2004 at 09:38:16AM +0100, Bud P. Bruegger wrote:
> > Is it possible, to have the last path component (e.g. other in the
> examples
> > from the manual below) be a function that returns a namespace?  I know that
>The standard way of doing this is _q_lookup() or _q_resolve().  e.g.
>other = SomeObjectUI()
>class SomeObjectUI:
>     def _q_index (self, request):  # /q/other/
>         ...
>     def foo (self, request):  # /q/other/foo
>         ...
>I can't think of a use case for letting arbitrary callables return objects
>that continue to be traversed.  Please tell us what you're trying to
>implement, and we can probably suggest a good way of doing it (or it can
>provide a motivation for this change).
>Quixote-users mailing list

Ing. Bud P. Bruegger, Ph.D.                 bud@comune.grosseto.it
Servizio Elaborazione Dati                    0564-488 577 (voice)
Comune di Grosseto                            0564- 21139 (fax)
Via Ginori, 43
58100 Grosseto

Collaborazione Open Source per la CIE http://www.comune.grosseto.it/cie/
