durusmail: quixote-users: form2 considerations
form2 considerations
form2 considerations
Neil Schemenauer
On Mon, Mar 01, 2004 at 07:42:29AM -0800, Oscar Rambla wrote:
>   Is add method the recomended method for population in form2 ? or
>   is add_component the (next) prefered and add its maintained for
> compatibility reasons to facilitate the migration
>   from the form(1) framework that worked with widgets inside the form?
>   In my case, wich method recommend?

If you are adding a widget, use add().  add_component() is a
lower-level interface that does not wrap your widget inside a
'component_class' instance.  Using a component instead of a widget
gives you more control but is also more work.

> Suggestions:
>   Since both metods are public shouldn't add_component know also about
> component_class default?

No, that would defeat the purpose of add_component().

>   Also I suggest to rename Klass argument in 'add_component' and 'add' to a
> more descriptive form like
>   component_class and widget_class, cause it could be a bit confussing.

Good suggestion.

> - Form submition.
> I use GET methods for initialitzation proposes in these situations
> when URL parameters/values corresponds to form inputs. Otherwise I use the
> 'script side' of the URL.
> Then I parse the request as ordinarily and it's Ok.
> But still need to provide an 'is_submitted' conveniently modified method to
> render the form.
> I've read several times in the list about troubles with GET method always
> involved with initialization proposes.
> I'm not an expert on HTTP matter at all, but from a practical point of view:
> Since POST is the recomended and default method for form submition
> in this framework, What do you think about GET method requests be
> defaulted to not submitted?

I wouldn't say POST is recommended.  As a general rule, you should
use POST for anything that modifies server side state and GET for
everything else.

