durusmail: quixote-users: scgi: error reading response headers
scgi: error reading response headers
scgi: error reading response headers
Neil Schemenauer
On Sat, Mar 06, 2004 at 09:42:32PM -0500, Renat Lumpau wrote:
> So Ksenia's issue has been resolved (except that I forgot to cc the list
> and replied directly to her).

Good to hear.

> | P.S. Okay... there is another problem. If the page is refreshed first
> | time, there is error 500 - error reading response headers. After
> | refreshing it second time, everithing works normal. Refresh - error.
> | Refresh - okay. Strange, isn't it?
> I get the same behavior here. I don't know enough about the inner
> workings of Quixote to understand why it's happening. Maybe the powers
> that be will help?

We've seen similar behavior.  The problem for us was that Apache's
logs were not configured properly.  We were trying to pipe the logs
through "rotatelogs" but Apache could not find the executable.  The
chances that you both have that same problem seem slim.

You might use "tcpdump" and "ethereal" to try to figure out what is
going on.  Something like:

    $ su
    # tcpdump -i lo -s 1500 -w /tmp/c port 3000
    # exit
    $ ethereal -r /tmp/c

Then use ethereal's "follow TCP stream" function.  You can also try
capturing the port 80 traffic.  It might help narrow down the
problem (i.e. browser/Apache or Apache/SCGI server).

