Tom Jenkins wrote: > Jason E. Sibre wrote: > >> [Is the horse still breathing?] > > Oooo and ONE MORE! Let's hear it for Metaclasses! Very nice. I couldn't resist either... I whacked the horse one more time as well. I wrote a package that uses a custom parser for an xml-inspired access-control minilanguage, plus some Bayesian networking code that will automatically determine the optimal _q_exports list for your modules. To handle special _q_exports cases, it dynamically adapts Quixote's Publisher, using aspect-weaving and some heuristic algorithms (which are implemented in Lisp; but I included a Lisp-to-Python translator). Any code that my package requires, but cannot generate itself, it will automatically download from the Python Package Index (or from CPAN, because it includes a Perl-to-Python translator as well). All the code is auto-generated using my custom version of Pyrex, into highly optimized, if verbose, C. I would post it, but sadly the list will not allow attachments that are 43 megabytes in size. ;-) > I-wish-modules-could-have-a-metaclass.-ly yours On a semi-serious note, I bet you'll find something like metamodules in Philip Eby's aspect-oriented programming work. Check out his PEAK project, and look for the AOP stuff; or look at PyProtocols, which has (I vaguely recall, but could be wrong) some module-level adaptations. If you're like me, and highly-abstract design ideas make you dizzy, then take some Gravol before heading over there. ;-) Warmest regards, -- Graham