On Wed, Jun 02, 2004 at 10:12:55AM -0500, Jeff Rush wrote: > Initially I tried mod_python as the simpliest but found that I needed to > modify mod_python_handler.py to subclass SessionPublisher. Did that but > then hit the wall that the multi-process model of Apache confuses the > session key database, in that each process has a different view. How are you storing the sessions? > Seeing that SCGI appeared to be the choice of the Quixote community, I > switched to it, only to find the max_children= option to SCGIServer() > wherein it creates multiple service processes as well. You could just set max_children to 1. > Haven't tried FastCGI yet. There is an FastCGI option to restrict the number of children to 1. > I've also looked at the Dulcinea/ZODB option but it *looks* like I'm > going to need a separate ZEO process as I don't think the ZODB File > storage is shareable across multiple Quixote server processes either. Right. Neil