durusmail: quixote-users: Proposed change to Text widgets rendering
Proposed change to Text widgets rendering
Proposed change to Text widgets rendering
Titus Brown
-> Text widgets currently are rendered like this:
-> Field name +------------------+      Hint goes here
->            |                  |
->            |                  |
->            |                  |
->            +------------------+
-> Often we'd like to make the text box wider, but can't because the page
-> as a whole would then be far too wide.  This situation could be
-> improved if, for Text widgets only, the row was rendered like this:
-> Field name +------------------+
-> (Hint goes |                  |
->  here)     |                  |
->            |                  |
->            +------------------+
-> This would require a change to Quixote's form framework in the
-> render() method.
-> (Is anyone outside the MEMS Exchange using the form framework?  If
-> not, then this change is simply up to us.)

I am, and that sounds fine.  Have you thought about making it toggle-able?

