quixote users, i'd like to announce the release of version 0.3 of DeltaStat, a program that performs statistical calculations on data from proteomics experiments. here is the home page: http://deltastat.sourceforge.net DeltaStat is one of the few open source applications that uses quixote's WAF, web application framework (at least from what i found, and i looked.. hard). since it took me a while to grasp some of the concepts of quixote, i'm hoping this will help people along who are new to programming with quixote. i chose to make DeltaStat a web application because it has a number of dependencies. i originally had used plain cgi for it, but as you can see from the source of versions 0.2.x, it became quite messy. i initially tried using quixote's WAF then became discouraged by the lack of a variety of examples. then i decided to use nevow, an idea which i soon dropped. part of the reason i chose python was because of it's readability, and nevow is unnecessarily hard to read. i went back to quixote, even more determined. examining Collar's cvs by titus brown was quite helpful. during the conversion from plain cgi to quixote, i tried to keep the programming logic away from the presentation logic, and the presentation logic away from the presentation, following the model-view-controller framework. i've separated my program into three main files (so far): deltastat.py - the programming logic, forms.ptl - mostly presentation logic, and templates.ptl - the presentation. i'd be interested in hearing how other people organize their projects. for DeltaStat's forms, i used the method in quixote/demo/widgets.ptl. i was wondering why there are two different ways. is the way shown in quixote/demo/forms.ptl the newer or cleaner way? i'm sure there are plenty of cases where i could have used quixote more efficiently. please let me know if you see any. also, let me know if you'd be interested in contributing to this project: http://sourceforge.net/people/viewjob.php?group_id=107530&job_id=18987 jason dunsmore