durusmail: quixote-users: Re: 'Dialog' with a 'Doctor'
Re: 'Dialog' with a 'Doctor'
Re: 'Dialog' with a 'Doctor'
Steven Rowat
Dear Quixote users,

Thank you very much for those who replied to my "Dialog with a Doctor"

But I now realize that I was misleading in my original description of the
project, since more than one person directed me to the "Eliza" models. What
I need is simpler than that; and so I can rephrase my question as:

"Suppose you were just beginning the move to server-side scripting, were
going to use a unix-based environment, were going to be doing small
'private' websites (as opposed to commercial work for corporations and
government), and preferred using open-source software, what language
combination would you start with?"

From what I've read so far, Python, PHP, or Perl seem like the main choices
(and possibly MySQL or Zope for a database). Python and  Perl seem quite
similar, while PHP may be a bit different - although I don't really
understand what that difference is at this point.

I also don't really understand where Quixote fits into this; is it an
application that I would only use *after* learning how to program with one
of the above languages, or could I start with it (and learn both

If you have any brief overview opinion on this, I'd appreciate it.


Replies off-list please, since I'm not currently a subscriber.

steven rowat

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