durusmail: quixote-users: Re: 'Dialog' with a 'Doctor'
Re: 'Dialog' with a 'Doctor'
Re: 'Dialog' with a 'Doctor'
Quinn Dunkan
> "Suppose you were just beginning the move to server-side scripting, were
> going to use a unix-based environment, were going to be doing small
> 'private' websites (as opposed to commercial work for corporations and
> government), and preferred using open-source software, what language
> combination would you start with?"

Start with plain Python scripts, using the standard cgi module that comes with
it is my opinion.  Well, I guess it depends what you mean by small, but if
you're just starting (and you should start small), things will be easier the
fewer layers you have in between you and CGI.  Once you understand the sort of
problems you encounter when writing CGI, you'll be able to better appreciate
how Quixote tries to solve those problems (and the sort of problems quixote is
good at).

> >From what I've read so far, Python, PHP, or Perl seem like the main choices
> (and possibly MySQL or Zope for a database). Python and  Perl seem quite
> similar, while PHP may be a bit different - although I don't really
> understand what that difference is at this point.

Python and Perl do the same sort of thing well, but with very different
philosophies, and people tend to like one or the other.  Give 'em both a shot
if you want to be even-handed, or just accept the voice of reason and use
python .  PHP is a pseudo-language built in to apache, specifically
for web stuff.  As a general purpose language it kind of sucks, and I don't
even thing it's so hot for html stuff.  It was designed as a quick and simple
dynamic html and has since irregularly evolved towards a real language.
Just my opinion, that.

> I also don't really understand where Quixote fits into this; is it an
> application that I would only use *after* learning how to program with one
> of the above languages, or could I start with it (and learn both
> simultaneously)?

Python (and perl) has a cgi module which provides functions to automate the
drudgery of parsing CGI form data.  Quixote is similar, but at a higher level;
it lets you set up a hierarchy of objects and automates the conversion from
a web request to a method call on an object.

> Replies off-list please, since I'm not currently a subscriber.

This discourages answers since people don't know if someone else has already
