durusmail: quixote-users: Dulcinea DateSelectWidget? running Toboso?
Dulcinea DateSelectWidget? running Toboso?
Dulcinea DateSelectWidget? running Toboso?
Toni Alatalo
Greetings, and thank you for developing Quixote -- I haven't had to do any
Web development in ages, and have enjoyed doing other things with Python
(mostly Pygame, PIL and lately Soya .. oh and Blender) instead, but now
must get one web application/service done and am finding these tools nice.
The very basics for the system are up and running already, but I'd need to
know more about these issues before can continue much:

1. On April 16th, Roger E. Masse mentioned "a port (and slight cleanup) of
the more complicated form1 DateSelectWidget" in Dulcinea yet to be
released -- has that happened, or will it soon? And is it a
CompositeWidget as the one posted by Charles Brandt in that thread? (in
I'm currently using the DateTimeWidget in Dulcinea (0.2?), but consider
swithing to either of those.

2. How to run Toboso? John J. Lee mentiones getting it working and writing
about it, but I could not find any information since that message, i.e.
After poking around it for some time, I got individual pages to work by
pointing the server-root to them and/or adding _q_exports, untill tried to
get the site.conf root-exports correct with no success. Also there was
trouble getting the database opened, so I ended up changing base.py a
little etc., but did not manage to run it as a whole.

