durusmail: quixote-users: Dulcinea DateSelectWidget? running Toboso?
Dulcinea DateSelectWidget? running Toboso?
Dulcinea DateSelectWidget? running Toboso?
John J Lee
On Tue, 13 Jul 2004, Toni Alatalo wrote:
> 2. How to run Toboso? John J. Lee mentiones getting it working and writing
> about it, but I could not find any information since that message, i.e.
> http://mail.mems-exchange.org/pipermail/quixote-
> After poking around it for some time, I got individual pages to work by
> pointing the server-root to them and/or adding _q_exports, untill tried to
> get the site.conf root-exports correct with no success. Also there was
> trouble getting the database opened, so I ended up changing base.py a
> little etc., but did not manage to run it as a whole.

Sorry, I never got around to submitting a patch.

The code in Dulcinea & Toboso isn't quite up to the high standards of
Quixote itself, so bear in mind that if you see stuff that doesn't make
sense to you, that may be because it simply doesn't make sense ;-)  It's
still useful to see code from experienced Quixote users, though, so I
really appreciate the publishing of Dulcinea and the other open source
code people have made available.

To get Toboso working, I had something like the following in my site.conf
(dredged up from a dusty area of my disk, so subject to bitrot).  No doubt
there are many things wrong with it, not least the fact that I haven't
shown several edits I had to make to a few scripts / modules in Dulcinea
to get Toboso running -- hard to see what the crucial changes were, now.
Still, maybe this piece of the puzzle will help the rest slot into

administrator = John Lee 
daemon-uid = www-data
scgi-address = localhost:4000
start-script-directory = /home/apacheroot/quixote/bin/
sites-directory = /home/apacheroot/quixote/sites
conf-directory = /home/apacheroot/quixote/conf
log-directory = /home/apacheroot/quixote/log
var-directory = /home/apacheroot/quixote/var
httpd = /home/apacheroot/quixote/httpd/bin/httpd
zeod = /home/apacheroot/quixote/bin/zeod

filestorage-filename = /home/apacheroot/quixote/sites/toboso/var/toboso.fs
root-namespace = toboso.ui.qslash
root-exports = user resource reservation admin my
http-address = localhost:80
mode = devel

[toboso livehost]
filestorage-filename = /home/apacheroot/quixote/sites/toboso/var/toboso.fs
root-namespace = toboso.ui.qslash
root-exports = user resource reservation admin my
http-address = localhost:80
mode = live

