Hi, Just wanted to share something that I wish I would've found months ago... For better or worse, I've been using a lot of tables to control the layout of a quixote application I'm writing. I was getting tired of generating these manually and considered writing a class to represent them in python. This seemed like something someone else might have tackled already, and upon searching I came accross Joe Pasko's PyHtmlTable script: http://www.pasko.net/PyHtmlTable/ After a few quick tweaks to incorporate quixote's idea of htmltext I was up and running with a very clean representation for tables. (i'll attach modified version) I'm writing: a. incase others need a similar solution (and would find it handy) b. to see if the quixote maintainers would have any interest in including this as part of quixote (it seems like a very 'quixotic' way of doing tables, and inclusion would make it easier to find) and if b.: c. to see if Joe would be ok with the inclusion. Enjoy! -Charles