durusmail: quixote-users: Re: patch: Binary file uploads on windows
patch: Binary file uploads on windows
Re: patch: Binary file uploads on windows
Re: patch: Binary file uploads on windows
Graham Fawcett
Brendan T O'Connor wrote:

> Hi,
> I was having problems with the file upload demo on Windows with
> Apache/CGI.  Turns out that to safely upload binary files, you have to
> get sys.stdin to be in binary mode, else it quits reading once it hits
> the first null byte.  Here's my patch to upload.py which seems to
> solve it on windows at least -- are there any problems with this?

I haven't tested the patch -- but I wanted to add that this hasn't been
necessary on win32 when using Medusa or Twisted, because they both use StringIO
to implement req.stdin.

Setting binary-mode on stdin and stdout *might* be undesirable if Quixote is
not running as a CGI application. I can't think of a killer case, but one might
exist... (I might, e.g., be collecting data from a Web UI, and writing it out
to stdout, piped to a file... odd but possible.) At the very least, it would be
an unnecessary call for non-CGI processes.

Perhaps it would be better to set these modes in the *CGI handler script
instead of in upload.py? This might also make sense for FCGI/SCGI, so that the
(perhaps small) overhead of the import and setmode() calls is not invoked every
time a file is uploaded, but rather once when the streams are connected.

-- Graham
