Er... this might not be right, but don't you have to
return MyInstance
in your _init_ file?
> I am new to Quixote and cannot get the _q_index method to work in a class
> instance.
> The situation is as follows:
> In the file of MyPackage I have the following lines:
> _q_exports = ["MyInstance", ...]
> from MyPackage.MyModule import MyClass
> MyInstance = MyClass()
> And in MyModule:
> class MyClass:
> def _q_index(self, request):
> request.response.set_content_type("text/plain")
> return "Why doesn't this workl\n"
> The error that I get when I try to go to .../MyInstance:
> ()
> which isn't very informative.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Everything else works fine, and I suspect this is an obvious mistake but
> after searching Google and the List Archives, I can't figure out what it is.
> Thanks for any help.
> Steve
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