durusmail: quixote-users: fastCGI problems with Quixote-0.4.4
fastCGI problems with Quixote-0.4.4
fastCGI problems with Quixote-0.4.4 *** Caused by UBF!! ***
fastCGI problems with Quixote-0.4.4
Neal M. Holtz
I've found something, but don't know what it means, yet:

in fcgi.py there is this:

def _startup():
    . . . lines omitted for brevity
        s=socket.fromfd(sys.stdin.fileno(), socket.AF_INET,
    except socket.error, (err, errmsg):
        if err!=errno.ENOTCONN:       # must be a non-fastCGI environment
            _isFCGI = 0

The s.getpeername() call raises an exception, which causes
_isFCGI to be set to 0.  Why does this happen?

The (err,errmsg) is 88, Socket operation on non-socket.

BTW, Quixote's behaviour of logging things written to standard
output makes it pretty easy to find this sort of stuff.  Thank you!

On Tue, Mar 19, 2002 at 10:28:02PM -0500, Neil Schemenauer wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 19, 2002 at 10:17:14PM -0500, Neal Holtz wrote:
> > I'm trying to use mod_fastcgi with Apache and Quixote-0.4.4 on the
> > standard demo.  The demo runs, but it is not persistent (i.e., I do not
> > notice any speed up over normal CGI).  I see the Python process start
> > up, but it terminates as soon as the request is finished.
> Make sure the RUN_ONCE config option is set.  Check the error logs.

I did both.  No help

> Maybe the process is dying after serving one request for some reason.
> Try looking at "ps axf" output.  After accessing the demo once you
> should see a "fcgi" process (the manager) and it should have at least
> one child (the Quixote demo application).

It does for the 2 or 3 seconds that it takes to handle the request.

> > I have copied demo.cgi to demo.fcgi and I access the latter.
> > It does run, but not quickly.
> The speed difference between FastCGI is pretty huge.  You should know
> when it's working correctly.
>   Neil
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Neal Holtz                             http://www.docuweb.ca/~nholtz
Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering,   Carleton University,
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1S 5B6.                   nholtz@docuweb.ca
