Hello everyone, I suppose this is slightly off topic but kind of linked to the component framework discussion. Since I have a very high esteem for the people on this list and their instincts, I would very much like to hear your take on this one. With pyContainer http://www.iem.pw.edu.pl/~sniezynr/pycontainer/ and PEAK http://peak.telecommunity.com/ there are now two Python "component frameworks" that use the Inversion of Control Pattern and lightweight containers to make it easy to create reusable components that can be flexibly combines. These concepts that are big and hot in the Java world. They also seem to bring the some of the complexity of the java world with them. To me personally, the examples of use that I have seen so far seem so simple (maybe for didactic reasons) that the proposed solution seems overly complex; so they haven't convinced me that I really should need the additional complexity of light-weight containers. Is there something I'm missing out of and there are some killer use cases that demonstrate how containers make the solution of problems actually easier than doing without containers and framework? many thanks in advance for your feedback! -bud