durusmail: quixote-users: format_.*_css question
format_.*_css question
format_.*_css question
Neil Schemenauer
On Tue, Aug 24, 2004 at 08:49:43AM +1000, Robert Leftwich wrote:
> I've noticed that a number of PTL files have css definition
> functions, such as format_search_css in the
> /Dulcinea-0.3/lib/ui/lib/search.ptl file, but I can only find a
> direct reference to one or two of them. How, if at all, are these
> functions accessed and is this the preferred/recommended way of
> defining the css for a particular PTL file?

The idea is that your site will have a dynamic CSS page that will
include the output of these functions.  Not a particularly elegant
design, I'll admit.

