durusmail: quixote-users: format_.*_css question
format_.*_css question
format_.*_css question
Mario Ruggier
On Aug 24, 2004, at 4:36 PM, Neil Schemenauer wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 23, 2004 at 04:11:57PM -0700, Jim Dukarm wrote:
>> I have been using a StaticPage object to point to a real, physical
>> .css file.  Are there any big advantages or disadvantages to
>> making the CSS page dynamic?
> Not really.
>   Neil

well. maybe....

- clients may not cache the css response... depending on what form the
url takes, and what the settings of the client are, and maybe on the
http headers sent along. If the generated css does not change, then
caching is clearly a good thing...

+ you could however parametrize a css file in ways that css itself does
not support...

Unrelated question, about StaticPage... when running behind apache,
what is the overheard of passing static files thru qx+StaticPage as
opposed to using something like /static derved directly by apache? Is
the only advantage to using StaticPage to be webserver independent?

