has_info(), StaticDirectory,
production environment on Windows, adding dynamically ptl pages
Ruben Decrop
I am new to Quixote. I am writing a kind of content management system
and Quixote looks really nice.
I have 4 questions
- Concerning session.has_info(). What is the use of it? I want to use
sessions to set up a user/password authentication. I could start the
session when the user is presenting a valid userid/password combination
to Quixote; in this case has_info() should always return 1 because this
is a valid session. I also could start the session when the user is
requesting a protected page and Quixote should diplay the login form to
the user. In this case I cannot determine yet if the client will
actually log in, so has_info() should return 1 to be on the safe side.
In any case it returns always 1 (as the example does), so why is it
there? Or I am dead wrong?
- Why do I have to provide an absolute path for the StaticDirectory and
StaticFile constructors? This kills my productivity because I have
multiple development (Medusa on Windows, Medusa on Linux) and production
(mod-scgi on Linux) environments. IMHO, I think the StaticDirectory
parameters should be defined in the driver and not in a publisher
namespace, because I could live without it in an Apache environment, but
not in a Medusa environment
- Is there a Windows production environment for Quixote? Plain CGI is
not an option, mod_scgi does not compile on windows because it uses
apxs, mod_fastcgi runs on Windows but the fcgi.py does not, Medusa is
not really a production environment, nsapi/isapi are not supported, ...
Are there plans to develop a fastcgi program or an isapi script in C
which embeds Python script that creates the Publisher instance, or to
make mod_scgi ported to Windows?
- When the content of a site is altered (e.g. adding a page), Quixote
needs to restarted, which is not nice in a pruction environment.
Therefor the only option I see to do content management, is to store all
dynamic content in a database and to make generic DB driven . pages.
This means I 'll miss all the nice things PTL and Python can offer and
that my sites will become very heavy. Or is there another way out to
add ptl pages dynamically to a running Quixote aaplication?
Thanks in advance
Ruben Decrop