Dear all, I have a Quixote system using SCGI and Postgres under Apache/Linux. All functioning fine with the one rather major problem, that being users' requests are beginning to get muddled with each other: a user will end up with data from a different user, a user's data 'disappears', etc. Is this a problem with SCGI or quixote or Apache or because multiple sessions are being started? This has only started happening recently, with an increase in the number of users from 2 to 3 or 4, however, I would guess it is because I have made an unwarranted assumption about session behaviour or about how SCGI handles sessions. I've seen this reported elsewhere (e.g. 02-Aug-2004 Jamie Hillman) but could not find out what the response was nor how it was solved (my fault, not the list's). One solution suggested seemed to be to make SCGI a singleton - would that help, and if so am I right in assuming that I set max_children = 1 would do this? I notice (via grep) that this is set in both and : do I set this in both, neither or either? Session management is just using the standard Quixote stuff (to file as per the demo.cgi). It is not necessary to preserve session details between reboots. A value for the user's logon is checked for, and if not present, the user is asked to logon. Thereafter, the user is tracked via the session+an id. All help gratefully received! -- Robert Ladyman Tel: +44 (0) 7732 771 649 Sent to you via the Magach Wireless Network