I'm just now getting around to upgrading past 0.4.4. One of the changes there has bit me slightly: Changed format of session cookies: they're now just random 64-bit numbers in hex. Was there a reason for that change? I had put together a tweaked session manager that compared the IP address in the session cookie against the actual source of the request as a (paranoid, I'm sure) way of defending against sniff-and-playback attacks. Obviously, my checking code isn't happy with the new cookies :). It's not a big problem, I can think of at least a couple ways of working around the change. But I was curious about what motivated it? (BTW, if anybody's curious about what I'm doing, see lwn.net:8088. I'd love to hear comments, but please don't put up any links to the site.) jon Jonathan Corbet Executive editor, LWN.net corbet@lwn.net