I'm getting up to speed on Quixote and started to modify the demo. In doing so I noticed certain things were hardcoded that didn't need to be. Here are the modifications I made to avoid hardcoding the package, module and file names. I think it does a better job demonstrating Quixote so I thought I'd share this in case you want to change the demo. template _q_index(request): print "debug message from the index page" """ ... [snip](This page is generated by the index function for the
... [snip] """ % ('.'.join(__name__.split('.')[:-1]), __name__, __file__) --- Patrick K. O'Brien Orbtech%s
package. This index function is actually a PTL template,_q_index()
, in the%s
PTL module. Look in %s to see the source code for this PTL template.)