durusmail: quixote-users: Suggestion for demo pages.ptl
Suggestion for demo pages.ptl
Suggestion for demo pages.ptl
Patrick K. O'Brien
I'm getting up to speed on Quixote and started to modify the demo. In doing
so I noticed certain things were hardcoded that didn't need to be. Here are
the modifications I made to avoid hardcoding the package, module and file
names. I think it does a better job demonstrating Quixote so I thought I'd
share this in case you want to change the demo.

template _q_index(request):
    print "debug message from the index page"
    ... [snip]

(This page is generated by the index function for the %s package. This index function is actually a PTL template, _q_index(), in the %s PTL module. Look in %s to see the source code for this PTL template.)

... [snip] """ % ('.'.join(__name__.split('.')[:-1]), __name__, __file__) --- Patrick K. O'Brien Orbtech