On Thu, Nov 11, 2004 at 02:22:10PM -0500, Graham Fawcett wrote: > Seriously: perhaps moving the Quixote documentation to the Wiki would be > a good idea. Then, "write it yourself" would be a decent and meaningful > reponse to "the documentation is lacking". Nope, hardly ever. The lesser reason is that writing documentation that's worth the pixels to display it isn't easy, but that's a problem the wiki might in fact help with. Depends on who puts what effort into it. The big problem is that the person complaining about a lack in (or of) the documentation is in no position to write it - if he understood it already, he wouldn't have needed the lacking documentation, eh? Okay, there are exceptions. And a wiki can be an even better vehicle for harnessing the power of Aahz's Law than news groups or mailing lists... -- The most effective way to get information from usenet is not to ask a question; it is to post incorrect information. -- Aahz's Law