I'm updating my program to Quixote 2.0a2, and discovered the new ..get_directory_path() breaks my output filter. My filter goes up the directory path (=namespace stack) applying any _q_filter_output methods it finds. In Quixote 1.2, Publisher.namespace_stack was a list that remained throughout the request. In Quixote 2.0a2, quixote.util.get_directory_path() generates the list from the current Python stack frame (=traceback stack). That's fine if it's called from inside the callable (=servlet), but if called from Publish.filter_output() it returns [] because those functions have exited. ("Those functions" being the recursive Directory._q_traverse() calls, from which it finds the Directory instances.) As a workaround I've put the info in the request since it's request-specific. class Publisher(_Publisher): def start_request(self): req = quixote.get_request() req.directory_path = [] _Publisher.start_request(self) # Old-style class :(. def filter_output(self, req, output): stack = req.directory_path[:] ... class Directory(_Directory): def _q_traverse(self, path): req = quixote.get_request() req.directory_path.append(self) return super(Directory, self)._q_traverse(path) Any chance this or something equivalent can be put into the core? -- -Mike Orr (aka. Sluggo), mso@oz.net (iron@sense-sea-MegaSub-1-465.oz.net) http://sluggo.kicks-ass.org/ Cxu vi parolas Esperante?