I'm new to the list and to Quixote. I've successfully installed Quixote on Apache2 using CGI. I'm trying to get it working with SCGI. Below is my issue description. Please let me know if I need to provide additional data. Any help is appreciated. Thanks. Quixote version: 1.2 Apache version: SCGI version: 1.2 --I built and installed the SCGI module. --Added "LoadModule scgi_module modules/mod_scgi.so" to httpd.conf --Added "to httpd.conf SCGIServer SCGIHandler On " --Modified quixote_handler --In DemoHandler Changed: prefix = "/dynamic" to prefix = "/" --Start quixote_handler --> ./scgi/quixote_handler.py When I launch the "qdemo" with http://localhost/qdemo, the demo works correctly as well as all of the sample links, but the log file (/var/tmp/quixote-scgi.log) only shows that the DemoHandler has been started ('DemoHandler created'). After I launch "qdemo" and click on the sample links, shouldn't I see some logging activity in this log file? How do I know that SCGI is being used? Thanks.