On Fri, Dec 10, 2004 at 06:06:26PM -0300, Sebasti?n Ben??tez wrote: > Hi. I'm upgrading from Q1 to Q2 and i get the following error: > > "no description > > Publishing error: PATH_INFO should start with '/'" > > I'm using Apache 2 with mod_scgi. I run the server with de server_scgi I get that all the time when I forget the trailing slash on the home page, at least with CGI and with the simple server. Dunno about SCGI. I think Quixote 1 has a different error message. -- -Mike Orr (aka. Sluggo), mso@oz.net (iron@sense-sea-MegaSub-1-465.oz.net) http://sluggo.kicks-ass.org/ Cxu vi parolas Esperante?