-> But that's an implementation detail: the important thing is the -> interface. Would anyone be unduly inconvenienced if I removed any or -> all of: -> * quixote.session.get_session_manager() -> (could easily be replaced in publish.py) -> * quixote.session.set_session_manager() -> (does not make any sense and will not be replaced) -> * quixote.session.get_session() -> (already replaced in publish.py) -> * quixote.session.has_session() -> (could easily be replaced in publish.py) -> * quixote.session.get_app_state() -> (could easily be replaced in publish.py) -> ? I would love you for this -- this is the main obstacle for me to changing over to a fully threaded implementation! So, the only "global" would be the publisher, correct? -> P.S. yes, this does mean I've been writing docs on Quixote session -> management. It's impossible to write docs without doing some -> code cleanup... That's why I'm holding off on writing docs for my two Quixote-based projects, frankly... ;) --t